Tuesday 26 January 2010

"Dans le silence de la nuit"

I couldn't find a great picture to accompany this...so I settled on this photo I took whilst in Italy...I only wish I had fancy equipment so my camera could see what my eyes were seeing! But it captures 'le silence de la nuit' quite nicely...

Firstly, I apologise for the massive error on the Fleming overload of late...but...I started listening to one thing...then was led to this...and I love, love, love that voice - just a pity about the shoddy French diction.

I'm not entirely sure what to say about Rachmaninoff's chanson 'Dans le silence de la nuit' other than the fact that it's beautiful. In true Rachmaninoff style, the guy clearly couldn't quite stray from his beloved piano. The effect of staying faithful to his instrument is a subtle battle for the limelight between vocal and accompanying part. Unlike, say, a song by Brahms, the piano seems to exist separately from the vocal line (a bit similar to Fauré) - and could easily be separated entirely and played as a solo. However, the stunning, heart-rending effect comes when both strong lines play off each other, creating an emotional swell that vanishes into nothing... presumably le silence de la nuit...

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